Before we start
( from Christchurch Earthquake Museum - Quake City)
OK, on with our visit:
Our relatively short Singapore visit was so full of new experiences, we have to remind ourselves that the main aim of this adventure is to explore New Zealand. Now we're here and jet-lagged...
The Quantas Boeing 777-300 from Singapore was a little bit of Oz - "More coffee mate?" - and fine for that. It always fascinates how the big National carriers transport you to a little bit of their country and culture, never mind that you're heading somewhere else. We emerge creased and crumpled (economy again) in Sydney airport but our anticipated two hour wait for our big Emirates Airbus A380 turns into six hours while they fix it. Still, when we eventually board, it's nice place to be, even if it's not where you want to be - if you see what I mean.
It's always dangerous to comment on first impressions of a country when you're travel weary. After two hours trying to get out of the airport, standing in queues that are moving at one metre every ten minutes because you have to unpack to get your walking boots checked out, I would have been less than polite even though I understand why they're doing it. Ask me now, after a day in Christchurch and I'd say what a wonderful bunch of people, living in a town that's got a great atmosphere, even though it's still being rebuilt after something close to complete destruction in the 2011 earthquake.
Destruction and de-consecration (is that a word?)
Recontruction is everywhere
We take the restored electric hop on - hop off trams around the city complete with commentary, which is a great introduction, after which we wander around with more understanding. Also visit the Canterbury Museum.
Cathedral Square
Cool(ish) New Regent Street
We head off to coastal Lyttleton on the local bus today to experience a small town close to Christchurch, although it has a major port for the logging industry. It's got a kind of bohemian feel with a buzzy local market... and lots of logs.
Yeah, lots and lots of logs....
Buzzy local market
Notice that New Zealanders are a pretty friendly bunch down here in South Island.... and they always seem to thank the bus drivers, too.... even the bunch of incredibly noisy teenagers, high on something or other, each shout THANK YOU!!! as they get off and head off for more fun.
Eat at quite a cool bar in town and consume a couple of pints of local brew. Very nice, too.
What to do on a rainy day in Christchurch? Drink coffee in cool new coffee bars, visit the swish art gallery, complete the Canterbury Museum visit and eat in one of the many restaurants, that's what.
Art Gallery
and here's a reminder of where we are.. (3rd para!)
The Canterbury Museum has lots on Antarctic Exploration...
...but found this ourselves in Lyttleton
The Transitional Cathedral or Cardboard Cathedral impresses...
Today we check out of our city centre hotel as we are due to meet up with the rest of the group at the airport hotel... so it's the end of part one of our adventure. So let's make the most of it...
We take the Gondola (cable car for UK readers) to the top of Mt. Cavendish for a couple of hours of walking and relaxing, with fantastic views over Christchurch and its surroundings...
Back to the city for a bite of food and a drink in the the soon to be removed re:START - a temporary shopping mall fashioned from shipping containers.
Then we use UBER to taxi us and our luggage to the airport hotel where we meet old friends for a drink. Group meeting, motorhome briefing and group welcome meal tomorrow... this post is drawing to a close. Before we leave it, though, it's important to say something about this city. We see so many places on our travels and fall in love with some for all sorts of reasons.... but there are few that we feel could, in different circumstances, be our home. Christchurch really could, though.